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All assets of the Canadian Geological Foundation are accounted for in the General Fund, the Thayer Lindsley Endowment Trust Fund, the Jerome H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund, the Logan Legacy Fund, the GAC Endowment Trust Fund and the W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund.

The General Fund comprises cash on hand and income earned from investments. All of the Foundation's business transactions, including grant payments, are accounted for in the General Fund.

The Thayer Lindsley Endowment Trust Fund consists of a "locked-in" amount that is used to generate income. This fund (and indeed the Foundation itself) was established with a most generous gift of C$250,000 by Thayer Lindsley of New York City in 1969. Interestingly, Mr. Lindsley actually donated C$625,000 with the request that specific amounts totalling C$375,000 be distributed to designated institutions (among them the University of Toronto and Haileybury School of Mines) to support geological work, and to specified charities (e.g., Jesuit Fathers of Upper Canada) in Canada. In 2004, the CGF Board, in keeping with its more recent practice of naming individual endowment funds, decided to name the Foundation's original trust fund after its founding benefactor, Mr. Thayer Lindsley. All general-purpose donations to CGF are received by the Thayer Lindsley Endowment Trust Fund. Proceeds from the fund are used to support the Foundation's main objects.
Donations may be sent to the CGF Treasurer.

The Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust FundFund was established in 1994 from generous donations by Mr. Remick. As of 2008, Mr. Remick has donated more than $2,500,000 to this fund. The purpose of this fund is to award grants, from revenues earned by the Endowment Trust Fund, for projects that further the development of the geosciences in Canada and promote an awareness of the role of geosciences in Canadian society. Terms of Reference for the Remick Endowment Trust Fund have been developed with Mr. Remick. ( Mr. Remick passed away on March 1, 2005. Click here for tribute. )

The Logan Legacy Fund is sponsored by the Geological Survey of Canada and receives donations toward the conservation of the Sir William Logan Collection of rare books, maps and papers originally owned by the founding director of the GSC. It is a restrictive fund in the sense that all donations, revenue and grants are directed toward this single goal.
Donations may be sent to the CGF Treasurer.

The GAC Endowment Trust Fund was established in 2003 with monies donated by members of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC). GAC and CGF are actively soliciting new contributions to the fund with the intention of growing significant sustaining capital, the annual income from which will underwrite a meaningful grants program. The main purpose of the fund is to support and promote the earth sciences in Canada on a continuing basis, and in particular, to assist with the public and professional educational activities that are normally supported by the Geological Association of Canada. Terms of Reference for the GAC Endowment Trust Fund have been developed with the GAC.
Donations may be given through GAC.

The W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund was established in 2004 with monies donated by friends and colleagues of W.W. Hutchison and members of the GAC. CGF and GAC are encouraging donations to the Fund so as to grow a significant sustaining capital, the annual income from which will be used to support annual lecture tours by the Hutchison Medallists.
Terms of Reference for the W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund have been developed with the Fund sponsors.
Donate online to Hutchinson Fund through GAC