The Canadian Geological Foundation: a significant supporter of geoscience in Canada
The Canadian Geological Foundation was incorporated in 1968 as a charitable organization dedicated to the furtherance of geoscience in Canada. For nearly 50 years, it has played a key role in sustaining geoscience education, outreach and awareness across the country.
The Canadian Geological Foundation:
- was initially seeded with a founding grant from J. Thayer Lindsley
- is sustained by donations from benefactors who want to support and contribute to the furtherance of geoscience in Canada
- supports charitable and educational initiatives in the education of students and all phases of study, research and dissemination of knowledge relating to the science of geology
- tenders grants annually to deserving projects throughout Canada through an application process
- has awarded over CAD 3.9 M to over 500 projects (as of 2020). This funding has supported a diverse range of earth science education, outreach and awareness building projects across the country.