The Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund


The W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund is part of the Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF). It is established with monies donated by friends and colleagues of the late William Watt Hutchison and by members of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC). Grants to support Medal-related activities will be made from revenue earned by the Trust Fund’s capital amount, which is to remain intact. The W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund is administered by the CGF Board of Directors.

Main Objects

The W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund is established to promote and sponsor a national lecture tour by the winner of the W.W. Hutchison Medal of the GAC. The Medal is awarded to a geoscientist who during the first decade or so of her/his career is judged to have made an outstanding accomplishment in research, development, or applications in their field. The medallist selection process will be managed by the GAC.

The Medal recipient will undertake a lecture tour to major centres in Canada, the logistics and costs of which will be coordinated and borne by the GAC. At the end of each national tour, the CGF, through the W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund, will make a grant toward these costs from annual income earned by the Fund.

Donate online to Hutchinson Fund through GAC