The Canadian Geological Foundation, a registered charitable organization under the Canada Corporations Act, relies on financial contributions from the geoscience community and the general public to build its trust funds, which provide the investment revenue for its annual grants.In 1969, the Foundation received CAD 625,000 from its first benefactor, Mr. Thayer Lindsley of New York. Mr. Lindsley was an American geologist and mining executive who had devoted a large part of his life to geoscience and mining in Canada. After grants stipulated by Mr. Lindsley were made from his gift, the remaining CAD 250,000 became the initial sustaining capital of the Foundation. His legacy continues today as the Thayer Lindsley Endowment Trust Fund.

Today, the Foundation has an investment portfolio valued at more than CAD 7,000,000. Much of the recent growth has come from the benefaction of Mr. Jérôme H. Remick III. Mr. Remick, a former geologist with the Québec government, was a renowned numismatist who wrote more than 2000 articles on various aspects of numismatics, including eight books on the subject. By 2002, he had donated nearly CAD 500,000 to the Foundation, which now resides in a CGF trust fund called the Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund. Mr. Remick passed away on March 1, 2005. Click here for tribute. He identified the Foundation as an important beneficiary in his Last Will and Testament and the proceeds of this benefaction have been added to the trust fund that bears his name.

Several large donations have been made to the Foundation by other prominent geoscientists in Canada, including Duncan R. Derry and Yves O. Fortier, and hundreds of smaller donations have been contributed by the regular members of the Geological Association of Canada. Currently, GAC contributions are being made to a new CGF Fund called the GAC Endowment Trust Fund to which donations may be made online. As part of the GAC Endowment Trust Fund, donations may be specified for the Mary-Claire Ward Geoscience Award, a scholarship for Earth-science students doing mapping-based theses. As well, CGF and GAC are encouraging donations to the W.W. Hutchison Medal Endowment Trust Fund, the annual income from which will be used to support annual lecture tours by the Hutchison Medallists.

Anyone interested in supporting the worthwhile and numerous activities of the Foundation is invited to make a tax-deductible donation payable to the Canadian Geological Foundation and forwarding same to the Treasurer. An official receipt for income-tax purposes for donations over CAD 10 will be issued.

Benefactors wishing to make special and significant gifts are invited to contact the President to discuss the guidelines and procedures for creating a lasting legacy of supporting Canadian geoscience through the Canadian Geological Foundation.