General Statement
The Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund is part of the Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF). It has been established with monies donated by Jérôme H. Remick III to further the development of geoscience in Canada, and to promote an awareness of the role of geoscience in Canadian society. Grants to qualifying projects will be made from revenue earned by the Trust Fund’s capital amount, which is to remain intact. To guard against inflation erosion, an amount to be determined by the CGF Treasurer will be taken each year from the Trust Fund’s annual income and added to the capital amount to compensate partially or wholly for that year’s inflation. The Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund shall be acknowledged by all supported projects. (Mr. Remick passed away on March 1, 2005. Click here for tribute)
Main Objects
The main objects of the Trust Fund are to support a range of geoscience-related activities similar to those conducted by a national geoscience society like the Geological Association of Canada (GAC). They are listed below in order of priority as preferred by Jérôme H. Remick III, and are meant to guide the CGF Grants Selection Committee. However, the Committee, depending upon circumstances, may choose to support any activity covered by any of the following objectives:
1. To support the production of general-education geoscience materials that will be of interest to students and the general public, e.g., books, posters, brochures, slides, videos;
2. To encourage the public awareness of geoscience by supporting awareness activities in Canada, e.g., public lectures, awards, displays;
3. To help establish awards and distinctions that will acknowledge outstanding contributions to geoscience in Canada; where appropriate, medals of base metals and silver could complement this objective;
4. To support professional geoscientific publications sponsored by non-profit geoscience organizations;
5. To encourage the growth of geoscientific knowledge by assisting students and other non-supported geoscientists to participate in technical meetings, field trips and short courses hosted by geoscience organizations;
6. To support any other geoscience activities considered by the CGF Grants Selection Committee to be consistent with the Trust Fund’s General Statement.
Grants Selection Committee
Grants from the Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund are awarded by the CGF Grants Selection Committee. The President of the Geological Association of Canada nominates a member to the Committee, who will represent the Trust Fund by assisting the CGF Grants Selection Committee in making awards as per the Trust Fund’s Main Objects.