CGF has provided support to “Mining Matters” Aboriginal Youth Outreach program through a grant in 2011, and a multi-year grant in 2012. This innovative program consists of Aboriginal Youth Outreach Camps that introduce Aboriginal youth to practical geological and mineral exploration activities, including prospecting, claim staking, and mapping, as well as the use of GPS technology and environmental geochemistry.
More information
2012 Grants
At the 2012 Annual General Meeting, the directors of CGF approved the award of a total of $149,339 in grants to 12 organizations,
Full grant list
2011 Grants awarded
At the 2011 Annual General Meeting, the directors of CGF approved the award of a total of $206,672 in grants to 22 organizations, the highest amount in the Foundation’s history. This for the first time included two three year grants to the Canadian Geoscience Education Network for the Explore a career in Earth Sciences web site and the National EdGEO Committee in support of EdGEO Workshops and its website.
Full grant list
Canmore Geoscience Centre display
The “Tebbutt Memorial Devonian Reef Display” was upgraded with the aid of a grant of $3000 from the CGF (grant 08 14) to the Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre. This display, commemorating the work of outstanding carbonate geologist Gordon Tebbut, describes the genesis and structure of the Devonian reefs that are so important in the geology of western Canada, and provides examples of the reef-building organisms.
Careers web site- a CGF supported project
During the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE 2007-2009), the Canadian National Committee for IYPE and the Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN) partnered to produce a comprehensive web site explaining the scope and opportunities for employment in the field of Earth science ( The Explore a Career in Earth Sciences web site is an innovative, comprehensive and up-to-date site for junior high school students in Canada. A 2009 CGF grant helped complete this project, and in 2011 CGF committed funding to support this successful venture over the next three years.
Rebuilt in Stone garners award
The publication of the New Brunswick Museum’s book ‘Rebuilt in Stone’ was supported by the Canadian Geological Foundation. The accompanying walking tours based on the book have been recognized by the City of Saint John, and the book/tour was named a recipient of the 2011 Heritage Award in the Awareness category.
Logan Legacy Fund closes

The Logan Legacy Fund was established in 1992 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada. It is a registered charity administered by the Canadian Geological Foundation and is a unique initiative whereby a government agency solicits private funding for preservation of rare library materials.
The first five years of fundraising were highly successful but subsequent years saw a gradual decline in donations. Annual disbursements were lower than we anticipated and work proceeded at a slow but steady pace since there are few skilled professionals in the area to carry out complex conservation work. We ceased active fund raising in 2000 having raised approximately $100,000 over the years.
Conservation activities
- Between 1993-1995 the personal library collection of Sir William Logan was conserved. Work depended on condition of the volume. Some were completely rebound and cleaned while other items needed only minor repairs. All of the 100+ volumes were de-acidified by Library and Archives Canada. Each item was assessed in terms of scientific merit and historical significance and the collection was appraised at a value of $100,000. A paper conservator provided conservation and proper archival storage for three separate manuscripts associated with Logan and the early Geological Survey organization.
- An assessment of the Exploration Collection was undertaken in 1997. This collection consists largely of 17th and 18th century works pertaining to exploration of North American continent, containing natural history, botany and geology. Some of the earliest observations of the geology of Canada may be found in these volumes. Complex conservation treatment was applied as needed to works of special significance over subsequent years.
- A collection of approximately 500 original paleontological drawings created by A. Lambe in the late nineteenth century have been individually cleaned and conserved, mounted on acid-free card and placed in archival boxes. These drawings were used to create plates in early GSC publications.
- Funds were also provided to enable GSC Calgary to restore some of their rare collection of nineteenth century material pertaining to the Canadian Arctic.
An important part of Canada’s geoscience heritage is now conserved for future generations; on occasion, items from this collection have been loaned to the museums in support of special research and exhibits. Access to the material is available through the NRCan Library Catalogue which holds metadata for this collection.
A grant from the Canadian Geological Foundation is supporting “Wunderground” at the Johnson GeoCentre, St. John’s, Newfoundland. “Wunderground” follows the adventures of Mr. MasterMinder, an energetic and eccentric scientist who combines science knowledge with circus performance to teach kids about the world beneath their feet. In Wunderground, Mr. MasterMinder searches the underground layers of the Province for ways to power his newest invention – The Amazing Robotic Portable Power Pack!
Collecting samples in his 9ft robotic suit, juggling “molten” rocks, and spinning Tectonic Plates are just a few of the antics that that the energetic scientist uses to enthrall the audience as he teaches them about Earth energy. “Wunderground” has been developed by the Johnson GEO CENTRE and Beni Malone, in partnership with Nalcor Energy and the Canadian Geological Foundation. The show will be available to the public in November 2010, and will run on Saturday and Sunday afternoons at the Johnson GEO CENTRE on Signal Hill. “Wunderground” will also be available from Monday to Friday for teachers and students who would like to see the show as part of their GEO CENTRE visit.
Johnson GeoCentre
Adventures in sand
David Baird,now retired, but with a distinguished career in geology, including his roles founding directors of the National Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa, and the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, has recently published a children’s book “Adventures in Sand”. The Canadian Geological Foundation provided him support in this venture through a 2009 grant award. The book is described as follows:-
“Can you remember the first time you went to the beach? You probably had fun splashing in the waves and the water. Then you laughed with pleasure to feel wet sand under your bare feet! You looked back to see the tracks your feet had made as you walked. Soon you discovered how to build forts and castles. Before you left, you may have watched as the waves wore everything away to flatten the beach again. Did you wonder where all that sand came from, and did you know that every grain has a story to tell?
Adventures in Sand explains how sand is made, how we use sand in everyday life, and what we can learn about history by looking at sand.”
The book is available via and other outlets.
Successful workshop at GeoCanada 2010

A Canadian Geological Foundation grant to EdGeo allowed a very successful “Let’s Talk Science” workshop to take place as part of a special session at Geocanada 2010 in Calgary on “Communicating geoscience to the public. The session, co-sponsored by the IUGS “Communicating Environmental Geoscience” working group also featured a keynote presentation from UK based professor of geoscience communication Iain Stewart, and a panel discussion.